Editor’s note: this post originally appeared on My Little Desktop in August of 2009. I’m reproducing it here because it’s a fun trip down memory lane.
So, I've just downloaded the new Conky, primarily because everyone else seemed to be using it, and I wanted to keep up with the Joneses...Well, primarily to keep up with narf41 over at ubuntuforums.org. Moving on.
I built a new Conky around a wallpaper I found recently. The concept was that the Conky would interact with the desktop like a notification system...Hard to explain, so I'll just show you some screenies:
“Normal mode”
This is the "normal" mode, where the announcement board has all the basic info, such as the battery and file system bars and the CPU and memory usage.
Then, when the wireless is turned on:
“Wireless on”
And when Rhythmbox is playing:
“Rhythmbox on”
This is my favourite bit, actually, as in addition to the ${image} function, I've also discovered the ${scroll} function, which keeps the artist & track names inside the speech bubble by scrolling them.
You can download the entire package, with graphics and config files from my gnome-look.org profile.
(Please note that I can't take any credit for the artwork as the only part of this I did was the .conkyrc and the conkyForecast.template! As many of the credits I could find are contained in the README.txt file.)